Sales Process

Our Sales


Selling your business is a structured, step-by-step process that we carefully manage to maximize your profit, minimize delays and protect the privacy of your company. Whether you’re ready to sell or just considering it, here’s how we guide you through a successful exit:


We begin by gaining a deep understanding of your business. The more we know about your company, its strengths, and your reasons for selling, the better we can position it for the market. Our initial discussion allows us to gather important details while maintaining complete confidentiality to ensure no information is disclosed to employees, customers, or competitors.


Next, we analyze your financial data to determine a fair asking price range. While you ultimately set the price, this analysis provides a foundation and helps compare your business to similar ones on the market, ensuring it’s positioned competitively.


Once you’re ready to move forward, we engage with a formal service agreement. This allows us to market and represent your business to our network of qualified buyers.


We discreetly market your business to potential buyers, sharing only essential but generic information to protect your identity. This ensures interested buyers are drawn in without compromising confidentiality.


When a potential buyer inquires, we begin a thorough vetting process to confirm their financial capacity, experience, and qualifications. Proof of Funds is required before any further steps, and we secure a signed Non-Disclosure Agreement before sharing detailed information about your business.


Once initial inquiries are satisfied, we facilitate introductions between the buyer and seller. Both parties are given the information they need to move forward with confidence, followed by an introductory call to discuss the business and buyer’s interest.

The Offer

If the buyer remains interested after the introductory meeting, we help them draft a Letter of Intent (LOI). This non-binding document outlines their intent to proceed and signals the beginning of the Due Diligence phase. Once Due Diligence is completed, a formal offer, including price, conditions, and terms, is submitted for the seller’s review.

Due Diligence

During Due Diligence, the buyer and their team review all necessary documentation to ensure transparency and to address any concerns or discrepancies that could affect the deal.

Purchase Agreement

Once Due Diligence is complete, the buyer’s attorney (or consultant) drafts the Purchase Agreement. This document formalizes the terms agreed upon during the offer phase, though adjustments may be made if any issues arose during Due Diligence.


The final step is closing the deal. This typically takes place at an attorney’s office or your business location. We ensure a smooth transfer of funds to the seller and the handover of ownership and assets to the buyer, marking the completion of the transaction.

Get Started Today

Ready to take the next step in selling your business? Schedule a confidential introductory call with us today to see how we can help you achieve your goals with trust, integrity, and proven results.